At AMC guitars I'm a firm believer in the finer details. After a long time of playing (or even neglect) guitar parts can show their age. As part of a premium setup, all components will be cleaned and buffed, as well as each fret individual polished to a mirror shine.
All electrical components will be cleaned and freed from dust and debris, the fretboard cleaned of all gunk and marks, and the body will be cleaned and polished using the finest polishes and oils.
Accidents happen. Whilst some might like the story these dings and chips can tell, most like their guitars looking immaculate. At AMC Guitars, whatever your preference, time and effort is taken to find the best possible treatment and approach for your guitar, with research done into every aspect of the repair.
With time, effort and attention to detail, your guitar will be restored to its former glory.
Please note, all repairs like this cannot be perfect. Matching exact colour tones to have that "factory fresh" finish isn't possible most of the time. Please come for a consultation if you have any major work like this needed.
Whatever your opinion is on the "road worn" look, here at AMC guitars I pride myself on having a keen eye for the intricacies of relicing. You can have that custom shop look without breaking the bank.
I offer this service on nitrocellulose guitars due to the thinner lacquer and being able to achieve a believable finish. Polyurethane finished guitars often don't look good with the road worn treatment, however I do offer a stripping and refinishing service which can strip selected poly finished guitars for you and re-finish them to a colour of your choosing.
This service isn't available on all guitars however, due to many different variables that can occur with this type of work. Please get in touch if you would like more information.
I am committed to providing the highest quality instrument repair services at affordable prices. I am an experienced technician with years of experience, and will work closely with you to ensure that your instrument is repaired to your satisfaction. I use only the highest quality parts and materials, with brands like Ernie Ball, Dunlop, Wilkinson, Crimson Guitars, Stewmac and Music Nomad.
All paints are supplied by Northwest Guitars